My friend the cat turned back up today. He is a lovable scamp. I am assuming it is a he. Not sure why. It just seems to fit. The first occasion of his visit was discomfiting to me because he woke me up in my bed. I had no idea where he had come from. Well, I think he lives upstairs. I think I shall miss him most about NYC. Here he is.

I need to keep working in my notebook. This assists in sanity. I also notice that the more I write in it the clearer my broad strokes become. If I keep it up I can begin to work on something of my own. Something original. I also need to keep up with the wikipedia log. I have filled up a whole page thus far. I think getting things out of my head and on to paper is what allows one to say "this is bullshit, or stupid, or nonsense, or the kind of thing I would expect to here from (insert sophist a-hole I do no respect or probably like). Maybe someday I can contribute to the great raging debates of my colleagues.
Listen to the Hot Snakes.
This is what I had for dessert tonite.

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