This picture basically should sum up my aesthetic this summer (except NO Tennessee flag, as Tn "sucks in the summer" and I am from the Natural State) .
So this will be my redneck summer. Not quiet the summer of George but it will have to suffice. I have decided that this is my summer to go a little crazy and mark my passage into my "mid-twenties." I am going to garden, drink beer, jog (not very redneck I know), and wear my boots and jeans and t-shirts. I am planning a possible road trip to west Texas with C.B. and think that this will be the summer when I need to buy a gun rack even if I don't have a gun or a truck to hang it in. This will be my Nietzschean summer as well. I have become very sympathetic with the idea that it is not the Socratic quest for self-knowledge that drives us but the Nietzschean notion off self-creation, of living life aesthetically (and not epistemologically) that should be my goal. So yeah, I am going to try and meld living life with a few rough edges and dirt with the notion of self-actualization. I think the two go hand and hand personally. The vita contemplativia is just not enough anymore. Ok, I am kinda hungover and now just simply ranting.
Another things that excited me about my return to LR is the fact that there are some hot races going on right now. I am especially interested in a judicial race and also ballot initiative to instate a lottery. As a man with a Methodist upbringing I am against gambling (unless it is horse racing in H.S. in which case it is ok because god always punishes me for being a sinner by making me hungover and broke afterwards). Take that bullshit to Mississippi where it belongs. But needless to say I am stoked about voting. Hella stoked! I like to vote. I think it is the pinnacle of being a U.S. citizen. While I am well aware of the cosmopolitan movement amongst my colleagues (and the general notion amongst intellectuals in general) I am proud of being an American. We got our problems (hell at least we aint Myanmar) but I cannot imagine feeling to bad about this country when you vote. I mean, I get pissed as hell pretty often but i feel like I make a difference when I stand in that little blue booth, mark my ballot, stick it in the reader, and get my "Fuck yeah! I voted!" sticker.
I am not looking forward to heat though.
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