I have had my moments when I have missed the city. When I have thought it would be nice to be sitting in the bar with my friends until the wee hours and then trudging back to the Q Train so that I could get home to my cold little room. I have had these moments a few times a week. But something all together different happened the other day. I truly
missed the city. That uncanny pang that calls you elsewhere... I was watching the Chappell Show and it was the episode where Talib Kwali was the musical guess. It was filmed under the Brooklyn Side of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was an odd sensation. This would have been the end of it if not for the movie that came on right after it. It was called "Adrift in Manhattan." I was later informed that the movie itself was crap but the opening credits were sent against the back drop of scenes of subway stations and the trains themselves in transit. The trains (aside from the Q at Atlantic Avenue between 12:01am-5am) were one of my favorite aspects of that sojourn north. It had never happened until that moment. And to the few of you who want to say "I told you so..." Maybe, we will see. Until then I have my job working with schizophrenics and the scent of the summer in decline
Excellent. We are torn between these homes, and our heart, somehow, feels right at place in both. I imagine a body, where the Mason-Dixon is the diaphragm supporting lungs and heart and all those vital things. But it pumps it down to balls and clitorises and feet, which are just as vital.
Me and you man,
we've traversed the diaphragm,
and we see how both halves connect
to make a terrifyingly beautiful...
come baaaaaaaack
I meant to post this much sooner because it came out right after you posted this post (might you say, post-post?).
A bit "newspapery", but good.
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