I start work monday. It has been a heinous endeavor thus far. Friday I had to do all of the prefatory work. I am not talking about your I-9 or picking out what size of shirt you need. I was violated for the sake of being paid. I got a drug test, a tb skin test (which involves a needle if you don't know), and a long wait in a small cold room in my boxers and converse with nothing to read but redbook that terminated in be being told to drop said shorts, turn my head, and cough. You can guess what the doc was doing at that time. I would CYA measure by my employer to make sure I would not cost them big bucks in the long run for having cancer or by turning out to be some drug addled fiend that eats children, corn on the cob, and finishes it off with a hit of hash and a long cool pull from a glass of the blood of infants. So, my future employer, now that you have violated me you should know I am fit for work! Not to the glue factory with me just yet!

Redbook (and yes this is the issue I read) is no consolation for being groped (and not in the good way)
And now a shower while listening to Glen Gould's Bach's Goldberg Variations. Might clear my muddled head.
1 comment:
the picture in my head of this scene should be the stuff of legend
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