So, today is friday and even though my schedule has not quite settled into a routine so that I would technically notice that it is friday I have noticed. It is just the feel when you wake up that the weekend is upon you and that mischief is afoot. I am probably going to buy a vehicle today. I have the cashed tucked into a book. I can feel it radiating. The book is not one you might expect. Mr. Dewey or Rorty has no business holding on to cash like that. It would sully them I think. The vehicle itself will probably only further reveal my predilection for what my good NYC friend K calls "some of that bubba shit." And he is probably right but it also misses the point of the whole thing too.... I am trying to decide what to do with my weekend. I have a bookshelf I need to build and my backyard needs some maintenance. I also have some grub in the fridge that has to get eaten before it goes bad. I think first though I will eat a tangerine. Even our fruit these days comes so easy to use, so unnatural (as seen here). But cutting apples up to look like french fries and selling them at Burger King is just one more thing I find out in the world I do not understand. I was in Target yesterday and thought I was going to have a panic attack. And it wasn't heinously obese people or the flagrant consumerism or even the bad lighting. It was the overwhelmingness of the whole thing/the Unheimlichkeit of it all. It was all just too much for me. Needless to say I will not be at Target this weekend. I could do this...
Kinda reminds me of E. Or I could just listen to Whiskeytown and drink too much. Who knows.
Just a few months ago you were raving about going to the mall with "normal" people in Jersey. Who's normal now tangerine boy?
Just a few months ago you were raving about going to the mall with "normal" people in Jersey. Who's normal now tangerine boy?
I never said anyone from Jersey was normal. That being said, I like the handle "Tangerine Boy."
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