Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It Finally Happened...

Monday, August 25, 2008
This is not me...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My job...

I want a dog.
My roommate bought a gun.
Lots of rain today.
Been thinking about the City a lot. Was at a party the other night where someone had a huge aerial photograph looking south from the Flat Iron building. I did not have to count very long before I found 14th and 5th and that hideous building that I have been buzzed in so many times. I need to come visit. But money first.
Have started running as I am fat. This is a good thing.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday Morning...
I start work monday. It has been a heinous endeavor thus far. Friday I had to do all of the prefatory work. I am not talking about your I-9 or picking out what size of shirt you need. I was violated for the sake of being paid. I got a drug test, a tb skin test (which involves a needle if you don't know), and a long wait in a small cold room in my boxers and converse with nothing to read but redbook that terminated in be being told to drop said shorts, turn my head, and cough. You can guess what the doc was doing at that time. I would CYA measure by my employer to make sure I would not cost them big bucks in the long run for having cancer or by turning out to be some drug addled fiend that eats children, corn on the cob, and finishes it off with a hit of hash and a long cool pull from a glass of the blood of infants. So, my future employer, now that you have violated me you should know I am fit for work! Not to the glue factory with me just yet!

And now a shower while listening to Glen Gould's Bach's Goldberg Variations. Might clear my muddled head.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Up Early...
But this is a great day to be up early even if it has begun with the bitter brew of bureaucratic bally-hoo. The days of rain have rendered this morning cool, dewy, and bright. I think I shall make some coffee.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Google Maps Street Imager
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Some News From Mike Huckabee (or more good reasons we should thank our lucky stars he wont be president)

If McCain wins and offers you a position in his administration, would you consider it ?
No. No way.
Why ?
Why would I want to do that ? What possible reason ? I’m gonna have a good life out here in the private sector. Why would I go back to telling everybody in the world how much money I make and being limited to what I can make and living in a very expensive city and barely surviving to have some obscure Cabinet post and have some 20-year-old from the White House telling me what I’m gonna do ? Thanks but no thanks. I have better things to do with my life.
So children what does this tell us about the Huckster? He believes in himself over public service. He likes to make money. He likes to keep it a secret how much money he makes. And he would not like to work for the leader of the free world. What an ass and as my mother always said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish."Things I Buy That I Shouldn't.
Raining on Sunday...
Went swimming yesterday. That was nice. I got pretty drunk and passed out on a couch for a while. I woke up in time for sushi. I love white tuna. But this is all pointless.
Now it is raining and cool. A week ago it was 100 degrees. Now it is 69. I have the front and back door of the house wide open to circulate the cool, clean air. What could be better? Oh I know....
I had another dream in New York last night. Not so much about New York but I dreamed that everything transpired there. Some of you were there as well. I will not name names here. But it was nothing exciting. That is just such an odd sensation. When I was in New York I used to dream in the Natural State. What have traded?
Friday, August 8, 2008
The New York Times at Work...
Correction: August 3, 2008
An article on June 29 about
Correction: August 10, 2008
An article on June 29 about
Thursday, August 7, 2008
For the NSSR Philosophy Crowd
(Rorty and America) and other bull shit rantings on a rainy day...

Scottish Summer...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What the fuck IS a market anyway?!
This morning I was listening to the Diane Rehm show (that warbling fox) and she had a panel discussing Obama and McCain's energy strategies. They were discussing government incentives to push the auto industry towards hybrid technology. This got one guy (I am guessing he was the Cato Institute guy) all up in a tizzy. "How do we know that hybrid technology is the best way to power our vehicles? Why should government dictate the market? The government doesn't know what is best for the market!" All of this said very aggressively. Then the phrase "Central Planning" was dropped as if tax incentives and cafe standards where the same thing as Soviet style farming in the Ukraine. Fuck ALL!!!
My question is this: Who the fuck does the market think he or she is? And more over what the fuck is the market. Stalwart right wingers talk about the market like it is some wise thing that hangs out on the penis tip of Manhattan and makes important decisions. Like it is a sentient being! Where does it live? Can I just call the market up on the phone? Can I send it mail or a christmas letter, "Dear Market. Well another great year at the Smith house is coming to a close. Little bobby discovered buggery" And so on and so forth....
"The Market." As far as I know it is a name for a bunch of things all bundled into one phrase. I know that the market does not solve. I know that regulation of the market protects people. Allowing the market to do as it pleased does not work for the best interests of all. Look at the sub-prime disaster. The government created a mood on Wall Street of "you guys do whatever you want no worries!" See where that got us. History provides numerous examples.
But what do I know? I will never own a home now.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tha' Bitch...
1993 GMC Sierra with 61k miles on it. New tires. New stereo. I even bought a gun rack for it. Just for shits and giggles. I do not not own a gun... yet....
I am still wrestling with the environmental impact of such a vehicle. I am going to be working 6 blocks from home. I do not really need to drive anywhere. But having all of my friends being in flux someone always needs help moving. The gas mileage is not terrible (thanks to the V6) and it is actually better than the early 90's volvo I was going to try to buy.
In other news I am writing a lettter. A very long one and I am fucking stoked about it. The recipient of this letter reads this fluff I call my blog so I cannot go into too much detail. Let us just say I am relishing the experience. The practice of writing letters is almost a lost one. It feels good to let one's ideas cook in the post. There is also a sense of finality with letters. Once it is on paper and mailed that is that. There is a hard copy record. You write in pen and there is no erasing. Their is no spell check aside from your own competence with a writing accutrement. Mine own competence is lacking in some parts if you have not noticed. But I must get on with this...
Monday, August 4, 2008
So I have been a bit hard on myself of late. Too much drink. Not enough sleep. Other things. And bad food. This changes today. I am detoxing. What does one need to detox in classic DRF style? Well, I am glad you asked Terry....
I have taken to spending a day in the quiet. No talking. Music is allowed but I will stick to classical. I have a collection of Carl Nielsen that I have not listened to all the way through so that is how this shindig gets off the ground. Symphonies number 1&6. Great stuff. Next water. Lots of water. Juice: orange and lime. None of that from concentrate business either. And lastly metamucil. Now, I know this intimates all kinds of things but it is good for getting everything out and getting one's cholesterol under control. Ah, even as I right I have finished Nielsen and have now moved on to Mozart's 40&41 symphonies. 41 was his last and called the Jupiter symphony for anyone who reads this and didn't know and gives two and a half shits. But back to the task at hand. On top of that I have a few tangerines I am going to eat. A trade paper back of Transmetropolitan to read. Some zyrtec for my sinuses (which are fucked all to hell). And some letters to write. A good friend of mine from the city sent me a package that I got today. I have already cracked out two pages simply about receiving the package. More to follow through out the day. I also need to clean this damn house. Being in a house by one's self has its advantages but also its disadvantages. Oh well, lets get everything cleaned...

Sunday, August 3, 2008
I-40 is a 2,559.25 mile long stretch of interstate running from Barstow, California to Wilmington, North Carolina (i.e., across the whole damn country. I utilized about 27 miles of it for the ride. So with the windows down, Radiohead's The Bend's blasting, and chomping on a cheap Clint Eastwood looking cigar I took off home into the night. I had my 4 years in college. They were great. I had my two years in the city. They had their rough moments. But now here I am. But being in that town tonite give me the sensation of being past it. Not necessarily like bad cheese or old cabbage. Just that it is time to start closing doors. Or even more unsettling that there are doors that closed and you sure as shit didn't close them and now you couldn't go back through them even if you wanted to. You reach a certain age and their is just no going back. This is not say that one has to fucking get a job in a cubical, a midsize 4 door with good gas mileage, and a ranch style home. But certain things are now simply not allowed.
So there I was. After I while I put on this mix I had with the Talking Head's "Once In a Lifetime" and simply listened to David Byrne interrogate my thoughts. It was one of those moments where you really thought about whether you had simply wasted vast sections of your life. I have wasted some of it. Drunk. Reading comic books. Watching TV on DVD. Sleeping. Reading Harry Potter. Walking. Driving. Talking. And then there are the parts that I don't remember and I am sure I did some pretty wasteful things their... and some other things to boot. So there I was. Driving. Thinking about......
But, I am glad to be back where I can put those thoughts aside. Crack open a cold beer. Listen to Neil Young. Watching the days go by...
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right? ...am I wrong?
And you may tell yourself
My god!...what have I done? d
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Ok, what the fuck is this!?
I like soda. I am ok with Obama. I do not understand this. I wonder if McCain soda tastes like butter mints, depression era woes, and other such things.
Mischief managed. Hangover ensues. The one thing I do like about my hangovers is that it makes water taste sweet. Lying here in the cool (it is already 100 outside) reading Transmetropolitan. Good shit. A little over the top. I've read Hunter S's books. But hey, its fun.

Friday, August 1, 2008
b)calories should not only be consumed in liquid form...
c)party+mischief inclination+beer=?
Lets find out the hard way.
Friday Stuff...
These days are hot down here. And I do not mean hot: I mean hotter than hell. The daily highs have cracked 100easy since monday. The evening provides little relief. Spending any time out in it (or in inadequately air conditioned inside) well drain you of fluid. I take off my black shirt and you can see the white ghosts of deposited salt in contrast to the dark material. I drink lots of water but many days it is just not enough. Today was one of those days. I came back to the house. Turned the AC on. Poured a glass of the good stuff and showered. If you have ever seen me drink beer you know how I can take it. That is how I take water. I need to do it quick so that the feeling hits me quick. Turn the shower to freezing. Let every dried out muscle in your body contract into cold leather. It is like turning every bolt you would ever imagine your body possibly to have instantaneously. You drink three, four, five mason jars of water. Then you lie down. If you time it right your muscles will go slack and rehydrate simultaneously. It is a curious sensation if you can isolate it. It is easy and subtle but it is amazing.
Today is one of those days. Everyone is out of town or hiding from the heat. All else be damned. The house, the neighborhood, the city (and this city allows itself this luxury) shuts down. The cicadas are the only thing about. This generates the omega man feeling. The only person left. Just me and whatever is left when we snuff it. It is melancholy and stealing feeling but it leaves me feeling like I should get into some mischief. For some reason this goes with that sensation...
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful
And you may ask yourself-well...how did I get here?
D. Byrne knows best. Or does K. The Frog?
Well, mischief it is. But first two things:
1)"Normal people"-My learned colleague e said something about them. I still like them. Who should we really be leery of?
2) I bought a truck today. It is bubba as fuck. It is sweet as fuck. Pictures to follow. I think I need a gun rack and maybe a gun to go in it.............
A Weekend of Possibility...
I am trying to decide what to do with my weekend. I have a bookshelf I need to build and my backyard needs some maintenance. I also have some grub in the fridge that has to get eaten before it goes bad. I think first though I will eat a tangerine. Even our fruit these days comes so easy to use, so unnatural (as seen here).

Needless to say I will not be at Target this weekend. I could do this...
Kinda reminds me of E.
Or I could just listen to Whiskeytown and drink too much. Who knows.