1) Harry Potter Trailer (Fucking SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2)Rainn Wilson said to Fresh Air's Terry Gross, "That's what she said." (In reference to Bassoon reed sucking)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Durty South the New Hipster Me Has Arrived!

Thanks to a steady diet of collard greens, Miller High-Life, BBQ, coke, bible reading, and American Apparel shopping I now look like this kids!
My hometown has its own "hipsters" though this is not an entirely genuine statement. Most of what you could call "hipsters" in my town suffer from none of the ironic pretensions of their east-cost(i.e. Parsons School of Design/L-Train Commuting/LES chilling) brethren do. In this town I am considered a hipster. I like PBR and have been known to listen to certain bands that are associated with being a "hipster." I am listening to TVOTR as I write this. I think I need to think about all of this. Not so much what it says about me but about regional cultural incongruence. Who knows, maybe I will invest in skinny jeans or a keffiyah. Nah, I will stick with my cowboy boots and un-ironic Enya listening for the moment.

Things I Think About...

Consider an idea: a unicorn, justice, the notion of an idea itself, pi, centaurs, "substance," etc, etc, etc... Ideas, as such, dictate a lot of our thinking and even more importantly or dreams and aspirations. There has been much written about "ideas." Locke put a lot of time into them. Simple ideas.
What do we do with ideas? What do we call them? Notions, concepts, dreams? These are things (in perhaps the loosest since of the term) that play a huge role in all things. But WHAT is there ontological status? This is a stupid question. If there is an answer it will never be one that is discovered or agreed upon. So what can we do with ideas? And this is exactly my point, we DO things with ideas. Whether or not we can decide WHAT they are we do not stop that from doing things, important things with them. This is an important point I believe. We do the same thing with a lots of things: language is an important one. What is language and where does it derive its meanings? To some extent who cares? We do not stop using it because we haven't quite pinned down its definition. Its functionality was never in dispute.
Oh well, just one of those things I think about....
ps-Something else I also think about: Why are ideas symbolized by light bulbs?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My New Favourites...
The Watson Twins (not the Thompson Twins obviously.
ps-Yes, that is a Cure song.
pps-Thanks for the tip A. I owe ya' one.
Sometimes I find my self full of rage. It is not directed at anything and I never have any real desire to do anything with it. I do not feel the need to kill kittens or blow things up. It might just be me being angry at myself or something like that. It seems triggered by songs and memories that those songs usually conjure. There are lots of songs attached to a lot of memories about a lot of things about a lot of people about a lot of times. Where does one begin... This situation is not helped by sultry nights, cold beer, and the cicada-droning quiet of neighborhood as it seems from my porch. The mind's eye taints a lot of things.
Enough of this. It is warm and humid and there is a beer for me on the porch. Who am I to disappoint? Fuck my better angels.
Enough of this. It is warm and humid and there is a beer for me on the porch. Who am I to disappoint? Fuck my better angels.
Something Completely Different.
Updates and what not....
Well so I am back. I am working through emails, my friends' blogs, 2 months of gawker (a fool's errand at best), and doing other civilized things. The job hunt is going well though getting my house back in order is not. I have plans though. Lots of them. Most of them revolve around getting a car (next week for that) and a dog. I want the dog more to be honest but a car is necessary. Especially as the heat has really come in full force this week. Up until this week the weather has not been that bad. And believe me on this, I was out there. Yet we are finally getting some of that dry heat, some of that elderly killing, plant wilting heat. It is only a matter of time before the actual highs hit 100 and the heat index puts us well into the 110's. Oh I wait for it and savor the very thought.
I have been on a Batman kick of late. I am ingesting graphic novels as quickly as I can get my grubby paws on them. The Hush series, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, All-Star Batman and Robin, Gotham By Gaslight, etc. I love them all. I especially enjoy Frank Miller's take on the character. I call this instantiation (with the deepest affection) the "God Damn Batman." If you remove intention from a superhero what then is it? Or maybe is simply the intention regardless of the consequences (a Kantian Batman?). Or maybe it is just the love the game... I love Miller's challenge to moralists and the politically correct alike.
Aside from the Comic Books there is always this:
We all have those days sometimes...
I have been on a Batman kick of late. I am ingesting graphic novels as quickly as I can get my grubby paws on them. The Hush series, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, All-Star Batman and Robin, Gotham By Gaslight, etc. I love them all. I especially enjoy Frank Miller's take on the character. I call this instantiation (with the deepest affection) the "God Damn Batman." If you remove intention from a superhero what then is it? Or maybe is simply the intention regardless of the consequences (a Kantian Batman?). Or maybe it is just the love the game... I love Miller's challenge to moralists and the politically correct alike.

We all have those days sometimes...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
36 Hours...
So I will be done with my current line of work at about noon on sunday. Needless to say I am ready. Needless to say it will be wierd to be back in civilization (such as it is).
A crazy few weeks thus far. A lot has happened. I have recorded little. I have learned a lot. My outdoor skills have been honed to mastery and I think I could whip Chuck Norris' pansy ass six ways to sunday up one side and down the other. Bring it old man...
That being said it is odd how the smallest of things can bring someone down. I was asleep wednesday night/thursday morning. Sleeping soundly when I was awoken by a curious sensation around my right ear. I came too fully just in time to feel a bug climb into my ear and yes, I mean the ear canal. It got trapped and started flapping its wings. This was not comfortable. I got up and ran down to where I keep my tweezers. My attempts to extricate the beast only drove him deeper into my skull untill he was resting directly against my ear drum. This is the point where it began to hurt and my equilibrium went all whack... I ran down to the medics and tried to dig the wee bastard out. This did not work. At all. It only infuriated the bastard that he began to flap harder. This just down right hurt. I gave up for a quick solution and drowned the little bastard with rubbing alcohol. It took 45 minutes to flush the little shit out with water. I would have taken pictures of the carcas but moths pretty much melt when exposed to water. That was that. I went back to bed only to wake up 4 hours later to go back to work.
My sense of humor ran out last thursday at 10:30am. But that is another story all together. So as it stands I am going to get done sunday. Go home. Shower. Watch The Dark Knight on Imax. Then stay drunk for a few days and get back to the job hunt. Life is good. Or will be soon.
More later...
A crazy few weeks thus far. A lot has happened. I have recorded little. I have learned a lot. My outdoor skills have been honed to mastery and I think I could whip Chuck Norris' pansy ass six ways to sunday up one side and down the other. Bring it old man...
That being said it is odd how the smallest of things can bring someone down. I was asleep wednesday night/thursday morning. Sleeping soundly when I was awoken by a curious sensation around my right ear. I came too fully just in time to feel a bug climb into my ear and yes, I mean the ear canal. It got trapped and started flapping its wings. This was not comfortable. I got up and ran down to where I keep my tweezers. My attempts to extricate the beast only drove him deeper into my skull untill he was resting directly against my ear drum. This is the point where it began to hurt and my equilibrium went all whack... I ran down to the medics and tried to dig the wee bastard out. This did not work. At all. It only infuriated the bastard that he began to flap harder. This just down right hurt. I gave up for a quick solution and drowned the little bastard with rubbing alcohol. It took 45 minutes to flush the little shit out with water. I would have taken pictures of the carcas but moths pretty much melt when exposed to water. That was that. I went back to bed only to wake up 4 hours later to go back to work.
My sense of humor ran out last thursday at 10:30am. But that is another story all together. So as it stands I am going to get done sunday. Go home. Shower. Watch The Dark Knight on Imax. Then stay drunk for a few days and get back to the job hunt. Life is good. Or will be soon.
More later...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Excerpt of Journal Entry (7/5/08)
-What does it mean to close a door? Is it that way forever?..........Something to think about.
-I hate to disappoint. I want to make everyone happy. This is not possible and this is one of the only things I think that makes me truly sad.
-Threw up blood this morning ( I think). Listented to Neil Young and felt better sorta(I think).
-Improve indian leg wrestling skills.
-Fireworks inside houeses are not good things.
-4th of July. Glad it is over.
-I hate to disappoint. I want to make everyone happy. This is not possible and this is one of the only things I think that makes me truly sad.
-Threw up blood this morning ( I think). Listented to Neil Young and felt better sorta(I think).
-Improve indian leg wrestling skills.
-Fireworks inside houeses are not good things.
-4th of July. Glad it is over.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Pictures of stuff...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Death: I know! Brilliant right?
Dream: Yeah, Marvel is fucking stupid.
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