Weezer had my heart at Sweater Song. I've been a faithful girl friend. If more people were Weezer, the world would be a better place. I had a dream about Mac freaks carrying their Mac speakers on airplanes in plastic booster chairs made for size, two, in soft tones. I dreamt that one person with a familiar face, but unfamiliar suit, was singing, joking, and boasting with and to the speakers as though they were their babies. I imagine that if more people showed the affection one has for inanimate objects towards live creatures, maybe the world would be a Weezer place.
Thanks for showing me the future. Or rather, reminding me of it.
Weezer had my heart at Sweater Song. I've been a faithful girl friend. If more people were Weezer, the world would be a better place.
I had a dream about Mac freaks carrying their Mac speakers on airplanes in plastic booster chairs made for size, two, in soft tones. I dreamt that one person with a familiar face, but unfamiliar suit, was singing, joking, and boasting with and to the speakers as though they were their babies. I imagine that if more people showed the affection one has for inanimate objects towards live creatures, maybe the world would be a Weezer place.
Thanks for showing me the future. Or rather, reminding me of it.
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