Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Damn I suck at this...

So yeah, too long for my loyal cadre of readers to go without an update from me...
It is always good to be reminded of beautiful things. I have spent the last two springs in the City and while this brings its own surprises and delights it cannot compare to those of my home. Cool evenings, warmth that radiates through you, and the birds. There are many ways people use to determine if spring has truly "arrived." Most people point to different plants and when they flower. This is not useful because plants are stupid and have little to add to the conversation. The birds however, they do. I knew it was spring a little over a week ago when I was returning from the midnight showing of The Watchmen and I got home at almost 3am and the birds were all over the place. The tweets and the chirps filling the cool air, mingling with that smell of fresh dirt. Damn I forgot how amazing it is. So I decided to take a few days off of work and here I sit, windows open, shirt off (keep your lunch down folks), drinking a PBR and enjoying the songs of the birds.
So what else is up you ask yourselves because you are finished Youtubing the the Jim Cramer vs John Stewart battle and you are now bored and waiting to get off of work...
I have been transferred again at work and I am now back at the Deaf School. This is sad and great because on the one hand I miss my kids from the Alternative school but on the other hand their appears to be a 4 day work week, a raise and free lunch in my future. I am not sure if I actually accomplished anything with my kids at the Alternative School. The problem with that situation was 2 fold: first cultural has an enormous influence on how we perceive ourselves and others. As such the lessons and help I tried to offer ran contrary to that of my kids cultural norms. Things are to be ajudicated with violence and respect comes from different and maladaptive sources. So what me and the therapist I was working with were doing was being undone outside of the school. The cultural milieu cannot be underestimated... The other problem is related to the first, if everything about your life reinforces your behaviour as normal then you do not see or understand that what you do is not typical or socially "acceptable." Thus you do not think there is anything wrong to fix. I worked hard with these kids and I am little depressed that now, after 4 1/2 months I cannot tell if I actually accomplished anything. I worry, and mostly believe that I have not. And to say that I tried does not seem to make me feel much better about it.

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