Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Updates and What Not...

Well fall is here in the durty south and that means PBR, network television, peppered bacon, and reading all kinds of shit. I have been busy (as my lack of pointless blogging shows) and as such have not had time to devote myself completely to anything. This is an uneasy situation but I am soldiering through. I have enjoyed keeping up with the cabinet appointments and as usual there is more Clinton bashing to witness. It is unknown to most people but we here in the Natural State tire of the endless hating the Clintons. It is simply pathological in some people and just down right disturbing in most. How could you hate someone that bad? I know people who honestly believe that anyone who died in Arkansas between 1978-1993 was ordered to be summarily shot by Bill. I know I guy who claims to have done coke with Bill. And I believe him! But the point is that for us here in that state of greatness this is old hat. You may not like these people but there is nothing mysterious about them anymore. Hell I have an autographed still shot from Bills 1987 colonoscopy. That is right, I have seen the inside of this mans ass. So enough of it already people. Sheesh.
I have been cooking a lot as well. I continue to dedicate my meals to friends near and far. My housemate and I are contemplating cooking liver this friday and I know which Bro this shall be dedicated to. But my egg in a basket, cornbread, and greenbeans have all been success and as soon as I get a camera I will put some pictures up so that you may salivate.
My thesis drags a little. I had a huge burts two weeks ago. I called in sick and went to work like nobodies business. But that was then and this is now. I am trying to get some work done studing for the LSAT. But my biggest stumbling block is my greatest pleasure which is that feeling that I should not have to be doing philosophy. That I am not in school and if I want to go to work, come home and make dinner and than read a biography of Richard Nixon or watch the Daily Show and go to sleep without the guilt of not having finished my Philosophies of Dialogue reading than by god I will! And it feels good. And now for some thanksgiving shopping!

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