Sunday, September 21, 2008


When go to a place to brings back memories from your youth the world comes into focus a little sharper. You have to look at the narrative of your life over the past x number of years. Where was I? What have I done in the mean time? What am I now? You have to rember that there was a time when a much younger you wanted the current you to be something.
Have a failed my much younger self?
I don't know. I know that much about me has changed that I thought years ago would never change. I assumed then that much of me had solidified into a static being. I just had to shore up and set the edges.
But one has to remember that things change and certain choices will always close doors. This seems to just be the nature of things. But there are moments driving familiar roads on misty cool mornings listening to songs you know by heart where you wonder if this is the way that things have to be.

1 comment:

moi said...

the only way things have to be are the way you want them to be.

of course in praxis it is *slightly* more difficult than this, but not much.

as long as we have mouths and hearts, doors can open again.